Information according to sec. 5 Telemedia Act (TMG)
Schröder & Busse Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts
Mainzer Landstraße 69 – 71
60329 Frankfurt
Represented by:
Dieter Busse, attorney and former notary public
Dr. Dennis Eifert, attorney and notary public
Milkica Romic, attorney
Phone: 069 75608750
Telefax: 069 75608791
VAT ID pursuant to sec. 27 a VAT Act:
DE 112 158 554
Legal professional designation and license
The legal professional title of the lawyers working in the law firm is “Rechtsanwalt” – or in the case of Dr. Dennis Eifert also “Notar” and in the case of Dieter Busse also “Notar a.d.” – and awarded under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The lawyers are admitted under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and members of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone.: +49 (0)69 170098-01
Fax: +49 (0)69 170098-50
The notary is admitted under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany according to the professional regulations of the Bundesnotarordnung (Federal Notary Ordinance) and member of the Frankfurt am Main Notary’s Association (Notarkammer):
Notarkammer Frankfurt am Main
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone.: +49 (0)69 170098-02
Fax: +49 (0)69 170098-25
Provisions under professional law
For attorneys at law
- Federal lawyers’ rules (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung; BRAO)
- Professional rules for lawyers (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte; BORA)
- Specialist lawyer’s rules (Fachanwaltsordnung; FAO)
- Lawyers’ compensation act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz; RVG)
- Professional regulations for lawyers of the European Union
The provisions are available from the Federal law society at
Dr. Dennis Eifert is appointed as a notary public for the district of the higher regional court (Oberlandesgericht) Frankfurt am Main with office residence in Frankfurt am Main (Federal Republic of Germany); he is a member of the Chamber of Notaries Frankfurt am Main.
Chamber of Notaries Frankfurt am Main
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 170098-02
Fax: 069 170098-25
The supervisory authority is the president of the regional court (Landgericht) Frankfurt am Main with the following address:
Regional Court Frankfurt am Main
The president
Gerichtsstr. 2
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0)69 1367-01
Fax: +49 (0)69 1367-6050
The professional regulations for notaries public can be found under
Bundesnotarordnung (Federal notarial regulations )
Beurkundungsgesetz (certification act)
Gerichts- und Notarkostengesetz (court and notaries’ fees act)
Gesetz zur Überführung der Testamentsverzeichnisse und der Hauptkartei beim Amtsgericht Schöneberg in Berlin in das Zentrale Testamentsregister der Bundesnotarkammer (Testamentsverzeichnis- Überführungsgesetz-TVÜG [law on transfer of testament directories and the main file at the district court Schöneberg in Berlin into the central testament register of the Federal Chamber of Notaries]
Directives of the chamber of notaries in Frankfurt
Service regulation for notaries public
Güteordnung (rules of conciliation)
European professional directives
Information on professional liability insurance
Name and registered office of the insurer:
Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Königinstraße 28
D-80802 Munich
Application area of the insurance
Consumer dispute resolution:
We are not willing or obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.